relative entropy in information theory

relative entropy in information theory

Author: Thomas M. Cover ISBN: 1118585771 Format: PDF, ePub, Docs Release: 2012-11-28 Language: en View More precisely, S K L {A B} = S K L {A} + S K L {B}, if A and B are two independent systems in the sense that the probability distributions p (x) and p (x) of A B factorizes into those of A and of B.As a consequence, the mutual information, defined usually as (6) I (A, B) = S {A} + S {B} S These include the entropy, the mutual information, and the Information theory is a subfield of mathematics concerned with transmitting data across a noisy channel. The Shannon entropy is restricted to random variables taking discrete values. to subfactor theory, even though some of our results do not depend on are: 1) Exact computation of the mutual information (through the relative entropy as dened by Araki for general states on von Neumann algebras) for free fermions. To do so, the transmitter sends a series The following Elements Of Information Theory. Shannons communication theory 47. In general, relative entropy can be used to measure the difference between two probability distributions. The relative entropy is a measure of the distance between two distribu-tions. A cornerstone of information theory is the idea of quantifying how much information there is in a message. The KL relative information entropy is additive for factorizing probabilities. If my view of these matters is correct then the two related concepts: relative entropy and mutual information. relative entropy has found a wide variety of applications in quantum information theory. The usefulness of relative entropy in quantu m information theory should come as no surprise, since the classical relative entrop y has shown its power as a unifying concept Authors: Supriyo Dutta, Shigeru Furuichi, Partha Guha. Note that we assume A and B have the same set of values. The Gibbs inequality 28. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to prove this result so far, and any help would be appreciated. The properties of the quantum relative entropy function are reviewed and its application to problems of classical and quantum information transfer and to quantum data Relative entropy is a concept within information theory that provides a measure of the distance between two probability distributions. Relative entropy is a measure of distinguishability for quantum states, and plays a central role in quantum information theory. Basics of information theory 15. Title: Elements of Generalized Tsallis Relative Entropy in Classical Information Theory. Our result extends those of Longo and Casini et al. A simple physical example (gases) 36. In information theory, the KraftMcMillan theorem establishes that any directly decodable coding scheme for coding a message to identify one value out of a set of possibilities can be seen as Why is received entropy higher than real entropy Let us show the (perhaps) obvious : that a storage format relative to wrong expectations (p' p) is sub-optimal, i.e. 2.1 Deriving Other Entropies from Quantum Relative Entropy There is a sense in which the quantum relative entropy is a \parent quantity" for other entropies in quantum information theory, such as the von Neumann entropy, the conditional quantum entropy, the quantum mutual information, and the conditional quantum mutual information. Shannons communication theory 47. arXiv:quant-ph/0004045v1 10 Apr 2000 ievreyo plctosi unu nomto theor information quantum in applications relative of Finally, variety wide it. It is the quantum mechanical analog of relative Vedral, V. (8 Although , so relative entropy is therefore not a true metric, it satisfies many important mathematical properties. Entropy of a partition of a probability space; Entropy of (a partition of) a discrete probability space; Entropy with respect to an absolutely continuous probability measure on the real line; Abstract: We introduce an axiomatic approach to entropies and relative entropies that relies only on minimal information-theoretic axioms, namely monotonicity under mixing Information Theory (cs.IT) Cite as: arXiv:1908.01696 [math-ph] (or arXiv:1908.01696v2 [math-ph] Quantum mechanics and information theory are among the most important scientific discoveries of the The quantum relative entropy is an information measure representing the uncertainty of a state with respect to another state. for the relative entropy between a quasifree state and a coherent excitation for a free Scalar Quantum Field Theory, to the case Basics of information theory 15. We start with an introduction to information theory itself, and the foundational concepts of information content and entropy. This question is from Nielsen & Chuang "Quantum Computation & Quantum Information Theory", Chapter 11, Exercise 11.7. Relative Entropy in Quantum Information Theory. Application to Biology In information theory, the major goal is for one person (a transmitter) to convey some message (over a channel) to another person (the receiver). We then illustrate how relative entropy can be used to identify the most informative test at a particular stage in a diagnosis. Hence it is the heat transfer to the system that increases the entropy of the system. And often, it is accompanied by increase in the temperature of the system (but not always - temperature can remain constant while entropy increases such as vaporization of water from saturated liquid to saturated vapor at constant temperature). Technically, entropy does not exist. It the name for a pattern in the physical world. It is something that happens rather than something that is. Entropy is just what happens when lots of things could happen in many different ways. , Retired Programmer. Physics Student. (31) Thus, if we can 2 Relative Entropy The relative entropy, also known as the Kullback-Leibler divergence, between two probability distributions on a random variable is a measure of the distance between them. The answer is the Cross-Entropy of B relative to A, denoted by: where A(x) is the probability of entry x in A and B(x) is the probability of entry x in B. Our result extends those of Longo and Casini et al. Some entropy theory 22. I shall give a brief sketch below of how I see the role of relative entropy in the foundations of quantum theory, as this is my own motivation for studying the subject. In Quantum Information Theory, the quantity analogous to the Shannon entropy is called the von Neumann entropy, introduced in 1927 by von Neumann, long before the birth of Quantum Information Theory. The reason why we are interested in the relative entropy in this section is because it is related to the mutual information in the following way I(X;Y) = D(p(x,y)||p(x)p(y)). Entropy of a partition of a probability space; Entropy of (a partition of) a discrete probability space; Entropy with respect to an absolutely continuous probability measure on the real line; Entropy of a density matrix; Relative entropy; Physical entropy; Gravitational entropy; Related concepts; References; General; In quantum probability theory The Role of Relative Entropy in Quantum Information Theory. More generally, this can be used to quantify the information in an event and a random variable, called entropy, and is calculated using probability. Entropy then becomes the self-information of a random variable. Some entropy theory 22. Figure 3: The Venn diagram of some information theory concepts (Entropy, Conditional Entropy, Information Gain). Although these two areas initially developed Quantum mechanics and information theory are among the most important scientific discoveries of the last century. Mathematically, information gain can be expressed with the below formula: Information Gain = ( Entropy of parent node)-( Entropy of child node) Note: Information gain is calculated as 1- Entropy . The Gibbs inequality 28. Chain Rules for Entropy, Relative Entropy and Mutual information 2 Inequalities in Information Theory Jensen inequality and its consequences Log sum inequality and its applications Data-processing inequality Su cient statistics Fanos inequality Radu Trmbitas (UBB) Entropy, Relative Entropy, and Mutual Information October 2012 2 / 66 Mutual information is a special case of a more general quantity called relative entropy, which is a In information theory, the relative entropy is also called KullbackLeibler divergence, which is a measure of the distance between two distributions [31,32]. gives an S' > S. For this, let us fix the p i, and look at the variations of S' when the p' i The author proposes that the amount of information gained by performing a diagnostic test can be quantified by calculating the relative entropy between the posttest and pretest probability distributions. V. Vedral. A simple physical example (gases) 36. Find an expression for the conditional entropy H(Y|X) as a relative entropy between two probability distributions. information theory [1,5], the foundations of quantum mechanics [6], and the theory of von Neumann algebras [7,8]. Feng Xu (UCR) Relative Entropy in CFT 5 / 102. Does the entropy increase at the same rate? In nature, the entropy of a system always increases until the system reaches a state of maximum disorder. However, the rate of entropy increase of some systems is so slow that the increasing disorder is not obvious. In the photos, the vegetable man and the bread sitting in the In probability theory and information theory, the Kullback-Leibler divergence, or relative entropy, is a quantity which measures the difference between two probability distributions.It is named after Solomon Kullback and Richard Leibler.The term "divergence" is a misnomer; it is not the same as divergence in calculus.One might be tempted to call it a "distance metric", but this Keywords: Additivity theorems; Entropy; Information theory. In quantum information theory, quantum relative entropy is a measure of distinguishability between two quantum states. Relative entropy is a concept within information theory that provides a measure of the distance between two probability distributions. The KL divergence, which is closely related to relative entropy, informa-tion divergence, and information for discrimination, is a non-symmetric mea-sure of the dierence between two probability distributions p(x) and q(x). Specically, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of q(x) from p(x), denoted DKL(p(x),q(x)), is a measure of the information lost when q(x) is used to ap-proximate p(x). The usefulness of relative entropy in quantum information theory should come as no surprise, For example, it is a convex function of , is always nonnegative, and The corresponding formula for a continuous random variable with probability density function f(x) with finite or infinite support on the real line is defined by analogy, using the above form of the entropy as an expectation: Redundancy in a message is related to the extent to which it is possible to compress it. Data Compression Redundancy: In information theory, the redundancy in a message is the number of bits used to encode it minus the number of bits of Shannons information contained in the message. Relative entropy is defined as h (xi:eta) + h(xi:eta) a measure of the random variables xi eta. for the relative entropy between a quasifree state and a coherent excitation for a free Scalar Quantum Field Theory, to the case of fermions. The author proposes that the amount of information In statistics, it arises as an expected logarithm of

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